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DURIBLE is founded by seven entrepreneurs from the Rotterdam Business School. We are engaged in selling eco-friendly produced t-shirts printed with the unique skyline of Rotterdam.


The company’s name is a combination of the words ‘’durable’’, meaning long-lasting and resistant, and ‘’IBL’’, representing the study program, International Business & Languages, at the University of Applied Sciences. Sustainability is one of the requirements of ethical and quality products. The leaf in the universal recycling symbol illustrates the importance of sustainable practices to our company.


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DURIBLE attaches great importance to the hereafter of man and planet.

By reducing our ecological footprint, we contribute to a sustainable future. Our T-shirts are composed of sustainable raw material alternatives.


By using organic cotton, we retain the many benefits of cotton fiber. With this, we combat the great natural imbalance of conventional cotton. Our organic farmers, therefore, use natural methods instead of the chemical tools to grow their raw materials. They are also committed to more efficient water consumption, fewer greenhouse gases, and crop rotation to protect the soil.

We believe it is very important that people are respected. Fair treatment of people is central to the factories that supply our products.


Reliable independent organizations ensure that this policy is enforced. The many years that our supplier has been active in this field and the personal relationship that they have established with the factories offer us an additional guarantee to be able to say that our products were produced with respect for our fellow human beings.


Are you thinking of making a major change in your wardrobe? Or just taking the first step towards sustainable fashion?

DURIBLE is here to help you fulfill your initiative by offering a t-shirt made out of 100% organic cotton. Of course, we are not here to make you think this is the “greenest” alternative. But, for beginners and people with an interest in sustainability in all its forms, this represents a START. 




First, think about all the pesticides and chemicals that are usually used in the production and manufacturing processes of basic items of clothing. Crazy, right? By simply choosing a t-shirt that is made out of organic cotton you have the power to contribute to more efficient water use in the garment industry, but at the same time, YOU are also lowering YOUR environmental footprint. 


Nevertheless, the benefits and advantages of organic cotton are endless. However, for a full insight regarding the use of organic cotton, we suggest you go to, where you can find useful and essential information about this specific material and its use. 


Some of the most powerful attributes include:


  • reduction of environmental footprint;

  • promotion of fair work and labor;

  • establishment of a fair price for sustainable clothing alternatives.


Considering the impact of using organic cotton as the ONLY material for our t-shirt, DURIBLE wishes to ensure that the supply chain we are a part of is as sustainable as possible. How are we doing this? We have decided to donate every 2 EUR spent by YOU on our t-shirt to the FairWear Foundation in Amsterdam, to keep the money in a circular economy, and at the same time to constantly strive to improve the working conditions in factories in Bangladesh, where our t-shirt is manufactured. 


By choosing organic cotton, you make sure your money is well spent towards the positive impact on the clothing industry, but also towards the fair working conditions, fair wages and superior quality. 



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